July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, America

Because of the sacrifices of so many men and women over the years, America is still the land of the free and home of the brave. The older I get the more my love and appreciation for this country deepens.

My dad, on the left, while serving in Europe during World War II.

My husband, also a veteran, putting up the American flag on the Fourth of July.

It's my wish on this Independence Day, that every child be as happy as this one was when the photo was taken. I hope they grow up knowing what it means to be patriotic. I hope someone explains to them that the reason they're enjoying the family barbecue and fireworks is due in large part to the people who served this country in the past and to those who continue to do so today. I hope they understand that they are blessed to live in the the United States of America.

On a less serious note, it's become a tradition for me to make Melting Moments every Fourth of July.

Backyard fireworks at our son and dil's house. The best kind because you always get a front row seat. The color photos in this post were taken last year. We're still making our memories for July 4, 2009.


  1. I whole heartedly agree with you about how lucky we are, and that we need to remember the people who are serving our country!
    Hope you and your family have a great 4th!

  2. wow donna you do the 4th right. we usually head to our small town parade... but today is a scorcher by edmonds standards ... 90's don't know if my two year old can handle it. he is a sleep strike and is a little tempermentle. me too. those cookies/candy??? look delish. what are they?

    you are so right about America - we are the land of the free and the home of the brave. i wish more people were proud like you.

    hugs, mindy

  3. You do it up right for sure! We tried to go hear my son sing at a restaurant on the river and see fireworks but it is raining and that will cancel his show. have a great time.

  4. Those cookies look wonderful. I'm hoping we can see the fireworks display from the nearby town -- it's beautiful when we can see it. The horses watch too. lol

    Happy Fourth!!

  5. Hi Donna,
    I liked that you shared those photos of the men in your life who served our country. COOL!

  6. what are melting moments??

    Great pics!

  7. I wanna know about Melting Moments....

  8. Hi Donna, we're retired military (Army) so I know what you mean! The photo of your dad is very special. My dad was in Japan during the war...In every way we are all touched by the sacrifices of those who served, and continue to serve. Happy Fourth! And, thanks for following my blog. I am not very good about visits to blogs on regular basis...it's so hard to do! You are on my google reader so even if I don't comment I can read. Take care;-)

  9. Yes, I think we all need to know about melting moments. And thanks to your husband and dad for their service. I had it in my head in the earlier post, but my fingers didn't put it down!

  10. Oh Donna, we were in the same state of mind here. Were did your dad fight in the war? Was it in Holland? I have these long lasting stories of my mom and dad and grandparents about the war. I thank him from the bottom of my heart he did give us our freedom back, also on behalf of my parents and forefathers.
    Thanks for showing us his picture. Hugs

  11. How fortunate you are to have such a great photo of your dad in uniform. Very lucky indeed.


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