September 29, 2009

Garden Bloggers' Death Day - 09/30/09

Kate at Gardening Without Skills is full of good ideas. One of her ideas was to start Garden Bloggers' Death Day where on the last day of the month gardeners post photos of their "not so healthy" flowers and vegetables. Be sure to visit Kate's blog and leave a comment that you're participating so we can all stop in and see what's ailing in your garden. Sometimes, too much pretty can be a teeny tiny bit boring.

This is Phillip's houseplant garden that grows in one of the bathrooms at our house. It didn't always look like this. Up until a few months ago, the plants were thriving. Over the last year he learned their names and it's always his job to water them when he's here. He even came up with the idea to use his ruler to measure how tall they were, write it down and then measure again a couple weeks later to see if they had grown. In case you're wondering, going clockwise starting with the one in the basket; shamrock, grape ivy, spider plant and English ivy. He colored the picture that's on the mirror five years ago. Green must have been his favorite color when he was two.

Here's the culprit!
Oh, he looks innocent.
But we know what
goes on when we're sleeping.
We still love our Alley Cat.

This is being posted a day early because I'll be gone most of tomorrow.


  1. Uh oh... Alley Cat doesn't look too worried though. :)

  2. Donna,
    I could never be angry at a sweet little face like that. :)
    It is good they aren't poisonous plants!

  3. One can never be angry at an orange and white cat, even a mischievious one! I know -- for 13 years that same sort of face looked at me every day, and despite replacing the couch and a few other things, I wouldn't have traded a moment!

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my birthday post for Kevin. They nearly made ME cry!

  4. Oh, I could kiss that sweet little face! All is forgiven when you have eyes like those!

  5. no way this pretty baby did that! hugs, Cherry

  6. He does just exude innocence!

  7. Who me? That little face says. He has such beautiful eyes. Just like a topaz.

  8. That darn cat! I love Phillip's garden. What a wonderful learning opportunity for him. And I love his coloring job and I can't believe you still have it posted.

  9. Poor Phillip's plants. Those cats can get into a lot of trouble at night, good thing he's so cute.

  10. Ohhhhhh how cute is that kitty? One of the things on my bucket list is to own an orange kitty one day. Poor plants!

    Thanks so much for participating in GBDD!!!

  11. Alley Cat is very handsome. Is that an scallywag I see behind those innocent eyes?

  12. Rascally cats! I may pass on posting for Death Day as it's too depressing. But I'm planning on doing an end of year post on what worked and what didn't, hopefully with gory photos for the plants that didn't work out.

  13. Kitty looks very much like ours sweet fact and all. Sorry for the delay in thanking you for visiting my little nature blog...we've been on a long vacation.

  14. now thats a cute cat...will really take all the anger away from the face but indeed they do sometimes become a little too naughty!

  15. Hi Donna, thanks for your sweet words as always on my blog. I just gave Storm a big cuddle from you.

    I think you're the best Granny there is for your grandchildren. Wauw what a way to learn about plants! I can't wait to see the pics when they are fully at bloom.

  16. Poor plants! We had a brother and sister cat, and the sister used to destroy my houseplants.

    I forgot to say your header photo is beautiful!

  17. I love the expression on your cat's face! As a cat lover, and an owner in the past (who owns whom?), I recognize that expression :)


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