March 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

This is my second month participating in GBBD and still there's not much to report in the way of blooms. Most everything is still covered in snow, but I did find this prickly pear cactus warming itself in the sunshine we enjoyed today. It looks like this in March.......

but looks like this in July.

The picture below might not look like much to most of you, but seeing some grass appear between the snowbanks and the asphalt is a welcome sight for us. Pathetic, I know.

A big oak tree in our yard had to be cut down yesterday. It's been doing poorly for a couple of years now and it was time for it go.

P3 sitting on the stump. Not sure what he was thinking about. He was sad about the loss of the tree, but happy to be outside without a jacket.

We could hear the robins singing in the tree tops and finally P3 spotted the one below. It was our first of the year. He was excited about seeing it and was immediately transformed into a bird watcher.

When he asked if I'd bring the bird identification book outside so he could read it, it made me fall in love with him all over again.

A good way to end the afternoon. A boy having fun playing in the snow with his shadow.

Thanks again to Carol for introducing me to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Can't wait until my posts are filled with colorful blooms. Off to see/read what everyone else posted today.


  1. Happy bloom day Donna! If there's sunshine, birds, and joy, there's enough blooming. Thanks for sharing the happiness blooming for you.

  2. It looks like a wonderful day. Don't you love the little things that remind us of spring? Asphalt showing, etc. In Louisville, the daffodils, forsythia, and just the start of tulip poplars, none of which are in MY yard.

  3. I totally understand why a small strip of slightly brown grass can uplift your spirits! My husband's family lives in Maine...they feel like that every spring! That cactus certainly does bounce back to life, doesn't it! It looks shriveled up and lifeless in March...looks like it must be 'dormant'. I can't (or at least, 'don't'!!) grow cacti here in Virginia! But it is pretty. Watching birds is one of my favorite things to do! P3 looks like a cutie;-)

  4. Thanks for dropping by our blog, Donna. I love the Winter/Summer prickly cactus pics. Amazed they grow in the snowy regions. I remember snow... White stuff? Falls out of the sky? - Actually your picture of the grass peeking out reminds me of growing up in Scotland!

  5. Always comment on my blog! You should comment on the atc prize blog if you want one, don't if you don't cause you might win!

  6. That's so interesting to see how the prickly pear looks in winter and summer. I had no idea! Especially since it looks exactly the same all year long in my garden (except for some blooms that usually appear in April or May). Hang in there - you'll get your blooms before you know it.

  7. What fun to see another part of the country! I was complaining about a few flakes... guess I should count my blessings. Spring starts this Friday - hang in there. ~Mindy

  8. Carol - Thanks for stopping by. Your son is so cute, reminds me of my 9 year old... he loves to goof around with shadows too. Regarding bees - we don't have too much of a problem, they do their thing and move on. I think there are fewer bees than there used to be - kind of sad. Looks like I just missed GBBD, will try next month. Have a great day!

  9. I love the fact that your son is reading the bird's so nice to see kids get excited about nature! I'll look forward to seeing you cactus this really does look different in the snow. Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  10. Hi Donna,

    Thanks for the kind comments on my blog "It's Not MuLch, But It's Mine". Yes I am very much a NEWBY and not sure what to post.

    I enjoyed reading your post about your Mom and Dad ( mine have been gone for far too long). It's grand to see a daughter not only pitching in to help her parents, but apparently "truly" enjoying it.

    A good friend sent me several whimsical garden decor pieces at Christmas. They a very similar to the Bobble Head lawn ornaments that your Mom was looking at. I haven't decided just where I will place mine yet, but when I do, I will post photos on my blog.

    I also agree with Sue about a person's comfort, especially after a particular age.
    I'm 56, so I wonder what age I'm speaking of.

    Take care and I hope your weather warms up very soon.

    Genene @ "It's Not MuLch, But It's Mine"


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