August 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - 8/15/09

Too Tired To Post
This Photo Says It all
Joseph From Next Door
Plucked The Sign Out
Of My FlowerPot
He Couldn't Be Any Sweeter!

Thank You To Carol
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
Was Her Good Idea.
I May Be Too Tired To Post
But I'm Not Too Tired To Read
So Off I Go To Visit Your Garden.


  1. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love your header picture; I can't seem to get my yarrow to grow that well. I don't think it likes the clay soil it is in. Your next door neighbor is a cutie!

  2. That is sweet! Donna, I hope you get some rest!

  3. Hi Donna, I understand completely the phrase 'too tired to post'. Sometimes I arrive at the computer late at night and I just can't get it together to put down the thoughts of the day or even to include the pictures that I carefully took during the day. It looks like you have overcome your computer frustrations, at least the photo of your neighbor comes out just fine :).

  4. A rare element in a garden these days: a young fellow who knows what's important.

  5. Thank you for your recent visit to my site. :-) Your visitor is very cute - and I believe that Gardening is Love in action.


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