Can You Bear Two More Hosta Photos? Guess I Had Naked On My Mind The First Time I Posted This.
So many blogger problems. But....I WAS able to upload these two photos this morning which seemed impossible a few days ago. There is something funny going on with the Save Now/Saving, as I type this. I'll just ignore it and see if this post publishes. Maybe I should start a new blog and see what happens. Anyway......oodles and oodles of hostas in the backyard. More than I can squeeze into these photos. Interesting to me that they grow so well even though they get the hot afternoon sun. They are actually larger than they appear in the pictures. Okay, now I'm going to click on Publish Post. Let's see what happens.

Hi Donna,
ReplyDeleteYour Hostas are performing wonderfully! What kind of fertilizer are you using?
I am soaking up all that green, it just looks so relaxing.
I am glad you were able to post something. Is your internet connection good? Sometimes when I get that strange saving/ thing it is because our connection is being flaky.
Beautiful hostas.
ReplyDeleteGlad things are kind of working for you. Hope it keeps going.
Gorgeous! Whenever I look at your garden I think how "clean" it always looks. You have a good sense about layout. What do you have between plants that looks white?
ReplyDeleteLove those hostas. They don't do well for me, but I see some GIANT ones at a neighbor's, so I can't blame the climate :)
ReplyDeleteI"ve had a lot of blogger 'can't save/save failing' remarks lately, too. ?
I love hosta for their simple showy-ness. Yours are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHope you can keep posting.
We are drowning here in Louisville. Terrible rain, storm and flooding.
Those are giant! They must love where they are. I love the shapes of the beds around your house. Glad you were able to post!
ReplyDeleteYour hostas are beautiful! Everyone loves hostas but me, mine always look ratty. They are on the north side of my house, but I think they still get too sun. I'm just not a foliage nut like many gardeners, I tend to judge all plants by their flowers.
ReplyDeleteYour hostas are lovely! Mine can only dream about looking like that!
ReplyDeleteMy hostas look terrible after the heat wave we had about a month or so ago. And I so love my hostas. I have an idea for you if you're having problems with Blogger and photos. I write my blog posts on Windows Live Writer. Just Google that and you can get a free download. It has made my life so much easier because I can write the blog from my desk top and then hit publish to blog and it sends it there, photos and all. The greatest thing though is that it is SOOO much easier and you can make your photos bigger or smaller. Email if you have questions.
I love your hostas...I wonder if they woiuld grown up here?
ReplyDeleteHooray! They posted. Simply beautiful. Hostas do not do well here, less because of the heat, I think than because of a lack of sufficient winter chill.
ReplyDeleteI've seen two great ideas lately. I can try growing them in pots, and I can plant more caladiums instead.
The hostas are beautiful. Can't believe they are doing so well in full sun. Thanks for stopping by to visit I look forward to your comments.
ReplyDeleteDonna, your hostas look great. Being from the south I'm always amazed when I see hostas growing in sun. I guess it's just not as tough of a sun up there as down here.
ReplyDeleteI've always had weirdness with Blogger saving. It looks like it's not saving but then it does. Crazy.
Wow - what nice photos! And I'm glad your blog goblins seem to have gone elsewhere!!!
ReplyDeleteHi dear friend you have the most amazing garden, it's like heaven on earth. If only I could wander through it someday....
ReplyDeleteLove Dagmar